Sunday, June 13, 2010

A brand new Crystal, renamed Tuffi

Still remember our fat lady, who was rescued by Kim from PAWS animal shelter and subsequently rehomed to Mr and Mrs Kuan? This is Crystal's photos when she was first brought back to our shed. Crystal was a stray dog fed by Mr and Mrs Kuan in their neighbourhood. However, the dog catcher team has taken her and sent her to PAWS. Unable to bear the thought of Crytals being confined and ended up in the animal shelter, Mr and Mrs Kuan has sought help from Kim and Kim finally claimed her back from PAWS.

These are the photos way back in February in the shed... she was so prosperous...

After about a month stay in the shed, Mr and Mrs Kuan decided to adopt her and finally Crystal can call it a home.

Crystal was since then renamed Tuffi and this is how she looked like in her new home...still she was a fat lady then...
Mr and Mrs Kuan decided to give her a total turn around. After much consultation from Kim and pet shops' advise, Tuffi was given the proper diet which can trim her body down and she was also under strict exercise regime...

This is how Crystal/Tuffi looks like is Tuffi...we can't believe ourselves too...she has trimmed down so much..and looks much healtheir...

She is such a wonderful and adorable dog right?
It shows that with proper care and given a good home environment, any dog can turn out to become a lovely and healthy dog...and...if only all the stray dogs in Msia have happy endings...
Thank you aunty Kim, Muak Muak Muak!! Thank you for giving me a brand new lease of life...

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