Thursday, March 10, 2011

Subang, the emo queen

If you think emo-ness only happen to human, you’re going to be proven wrong >_<

Subang, one of our longest resident is also famously known as emo-queen.

On good days, she will greet you with a big happy smile and waggy tail and follow you around and wait for you to give her hugs and kisses  =)

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On a so-so days, she will be very quiet and anti-social and hide in a corner occupied by her own thoughts/pondering,,

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And on an extremely bad days, she’ll be snarling and growling non-stop >_< So we and the rest of the furrizens know when to leave her alone :D

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But you know what Subang really love? Fur brushing! Yes, she loves it when we brush her fur =)

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