Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pet World Expo – Day 1

We had a BLAST last weekend during the Pet World Expo @ Midvalley.

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A very big Thank You to Petster Magazine & for providing us the booth

Our decorated Sponsor-A-Dog Hall of Fame 
– Thanks to Gim for carrying this heavy board all the way to Midvalley!

P1040607Our pups in the playpen – We brought only 5 female pups to the expo – Lovely Suki, Vuki a.k.a. Somersault, Oren, Monkey Jody and Smartie Pie Milky.

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Geok Keng was busy settling down the restless pups. Boy! She came to help on Saturday & went for KL International Marathon on the next day. Pui fooOoOoOok!

The CEO of PawsMission & her favourite pup – Oren (note: Her name is Oren, not ORANGE!)

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Suki looks so gorgeous in the doggie Tees

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Somersault Vuki was very well behaved during the expo

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The Love-Me-Pls doggie – Jody

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Fan’s Yorkshire Terrier – Leo dropped by to support us too!

Suki got her huggies from this young lady

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Jody & Oren got their huggies too!

Peanut selling colourful towels! The towels were almost sold out!
- Thanks to Kim & Vivien


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Gim helped us decorating the Sponsor-A-Doggie board & also selling towels. He definitely deserved a donut break!

Jody counting the ribbons on her picture!

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Milky wearing the Give-Me-A-Home tag & tadah!!!

Believe it or not! She was adopted by Chris 5 minutes laters!

Milky is the only pup from PawsMission got adopted during the Pet World Expo

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Oren wearing the Give-Me-A-Home tag hoping that she could get adopted as well!


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Fosterer Elaine brought Cherry & Berry over
They were having terrible carsick while on the way to Midvalley

Cherry Berry & their rescuer - Vivien

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Geok Keng trying her best to tame the restless pup from SAS…. Or maybe Geok Keng needs SOS?

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The lil’ girl was indecisive which pup will get her ribbon…

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Have a break, have a Jerhigh!

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Puppies from SAS (Save-A-Stray)

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Mr Shar Pei from SAS doing his DOGwalk

Great minds think alike!

The strong mama, poodle & baby checking out the puppies for adoption

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Even Mr Monkey dropped by to view our pups

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The pups were doozing off towards the end of the day… zZzZzZzz…

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Mr Shar Pei, Gim & the donation boxd
Thank you Mr Shar Pei for being our bodyguard

Gim transporting the pups to our car! None of them was having car sick!

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