Monday, November 30, 2009

How you can help Aunty Kiew?

We received mails enquiring how they can help Aunty Kiew. Aunty Kiew basically need and welcome all forms of help.

Below are some of the basic items or help we need:
1) Old newspaper
2) Animal food supplies (rice, kibbles, etc)
3) Animal medical supplies
4) Carriers/crates/cages
5) Animal accessories (collar/leash/shampoo for tick and flea)
6) Old blankets/towels/toys
7) Donation in cash or kind appreciated
8) Fosterers (cum basic training for puppies that are ready to be rehomed)
9) Sponsorship for vaccination
10)Animal transportation
11) YOUR TIME!! Yes! If you can't help on the above, it is fine, just come and spend some time playing with our doggies! They love human touch. YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM!

Thank you for whatever you have done for the doggies here...hei..we need your help to forward this blog to as many people as does help us too!!

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