Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Puppies Are Going Home for The Chinese New Year Too!

Hmm….not bad before we close for Chinese New Year.

Fuji, Blackie, Jolly and Barbie will be celebrating the New Year with their new owner.


Fuji you will be missed by Mrs Lai and family who has taken care of you since you are 4days old. You will certainly brings lotsa of happy moments to Mellisa and family who comes all the way from Port Dickson to take you home.


Blackie,we wished we could keep you here forever but nothing beats a loving home . Athena certainly adores you.


Sad to tell you that Rocky misses you terribly. He has not been happy since the day you were adopted.


Oh yes, Yan and Mun your daily 2 legged companion were kind of disappointed when they could not find you the day you were adopted.Athena please send Blackie’s new pictures to us.

P2080978Jolly we know you are eager to go home to play with Rinnitha and sister. The four legged friends here dont seem to let you run round in peace since you are the youngest here.Well I think you get to be the boss now with your two legged friends instead. Rinnitha make sure your family don’t spoil her.She will definately brings lotsa of happy moments to you and family.


Ah ha! Our Princess Barbie too went home with the Chuas. Barbie you are free now. Sorry to say we have been caging you most of the time. We love to let you run around all the time but you been so small, its just not safe.

Update from the Chua’s,' She is ok. Very comfy moving around her new surroundings’



Finally Christine managed to adopt our puppies. Sorry we did give you a hard time and yet you are so determined to get them. You can’t blame us for being so particular as we need to ensure that they will be taken good care of. With your assurance, understanding of the importance of spaying and your sincerity in ensuring that they will be spayed, we trust you.Hopefully Light heart and Gentle Heart will really steal your family’s heart


Sorry Agnes that you too have a hard time trying to see the pup before taking him home.Your mum must be tired walking all the way from the shed to the riverside.Heard that Precious Heart spent his first night sleeping with you huh?

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