Friday, November 20, 2009

Bang! Bang! Bang! Puppies Need A Loving Home!

Aah Ha! Finally we have this small poster printed and laminated. Hopefully we are able to reach out to more people to get a home for our puppies. We have pasted one in the animal clinic near the temple and we did receive a call within an hour. After looking at our puppies having such a rough play behind the shed, Mr Bala decided to take 2 puppies. You could see how thrilled and happy he was watching the puppies playing together. After leaving his contact numbers and his personal details he stood there again to enjoy their innocent play. I knew he enjoyed watching them,who wouldn’t? They are so cute and adorable. Couldn’t resist anymore he wants a third puppy! OK Mr Bala, they will wait for you to come back this Tuesday to be taken home. Do prepare a space for them not only in your house but also in your family’s heart. Well guys out there, will let you know which puppy are chosen on that day.

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