Thursday, November 26, 2009

3 puppies rocking all the way back to their new home in P.D.

Mr Bala came in with an open truck to take the 3 pups that he has carefully selected for an almost 2 hour journey back to Port Dickson. Mrs Lai was quite worry as the temperature yesterday was 38C!! Quick thinking Mrs Lai did not let him drive away just like that but gave Mr Bala some thick blanket and a wet thick clothing to put on top of the cage, plus a porcelain bowl filled with water for the pups to drink. She also gave him a bottle of water just in case the water in the bowl spilled out along the way. Poor babies...they were rocking all the way back to a new home...

After a much hectic day, Mdm Fan called Mr Bala to find out how were the 3 pups coping with the new environment and most important of all, were they "roasted" in the truck under the hot sun!! Poor puppies were hugging each other according to him. Hopefully with time they will be ok.

We hope to hear more from you Mr Bala, and of course we do appreciate that you have given the 3 pups a much needed home. You will be rewarded with bundle of joy!! Keep us update!

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